These are the cards for August. Four cards from one piece of 12 x 12 paper - cool!
Wednesday, August 12 10am
Thursday, August 14 6pm

AND THE WINNER (of July's Card Contest) IS...

Bev! However - there was a 4-way tie for second. Congrats to everyone!!

"love me" $10
I DO love Collin Raye - he can be so inspiring! This is my sweet Jessica when she was little, signing a card for her mommy.
Sunday, August 9 12noon
Thursday, August 20 6pm
Our latest Basic Grey layout - the name says it all, doesn't it?
Monday, August 10 6pm
Wednesday, August 26 6pm

We don't have a date set for this yet - if you have any preference, please let us know. It would make a great "candy bowl" for some Halloween candy! There's LOTS of measuring for this box. We'll be offering templates instead of measuring everything out ~ for an additional charge :)
We will be offering a similar one at the Weekend Retreat with a Christmas theme.

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