
August 29-30, 2009
Hamburg, NY
Saturday, 10am-5pm
Sunday, 10am-3pm
Agri Center at the Fairgrounds

One Ticket Price Both Days! $5 prepaid - $6 at the door

IF YOU BUY YOUR TICKETS FROM US, WE GET TO KEEP THE PROCEEDS! Please support your LSS (local scrapbook store).
We all went last year and it was a nice day out and lots of new ideas. We have more info at the store and there's a link at the top for the Tour's website.


Erin said...

Hi! Was this event on the radio? My friend just called and said she thought she heard you guys were doing an event at the Buffalo Convention Center next weekend... is that something different?

Mo said...

Hi, Erin - sorry I hadn't checked the blog in a while - oops :(
Anyway, this is not the same one you heard about on the radio. That's the CK Convention, which we'll be at on Saturday. The event in the post is in August.